Monday, January 21, 2008


Hello, my name is Vellon. Welcome to my blog. As the sub-text of my blog's title has revealed this is an MMORPG blog. Here at my blog we are committed to documenting in pointless detail the events surrounding my MMORPG hobby.

I don't often feel I am new to the MMORPG community, but viewing the experience present in the blogging community I feel like the new kid. To expound, my first encounter with an MMORPG was a MUD by the name of Aardwolf while I was in high school around the year 2000. I began playing FFXI shortly after its release and dabbled in the infamous Ragnarok Online. In 2004 World of Warcraft was released, I bought one of the last copies at my local store and became hooked.

Over the course of the following three point five years I put down and picked up WoW several times as I tested the MMO waters. I have played at different times EQ2, LotRO, FFXI Again, various asian free to play games and Guild Wars. None of these have had the delightful polish of WoW (and therefore never caught the girlfriend's attention for long) and now I find myself handing my MMO fund over to Blizzard again.

Tenuous plans exist between my room-mate and I to pick up and play through Guild Wars beginning with Nightfall. We plan to set aside a single night of the week from other responsibilities and use the time to plunge into Guild Wars. Both of us have dipped our toes into the game before and loved the complex skill system. Unfortunately neither of us have had the time to truly break into the game. Hopefully this blog will act as the added momentum for these plans to finally come to fruition.

This behavior of setting aside a specific night to play through a game (specifically Guild Wars) is patterned from the famous Van Hemlock my personal favorite MMO blogger. In his recent "schmooze-fest" he has informed his loving public that he will be setting aside blogging for a time while life demands his attention. His description of the motivations behind various MMO blogging led directly to me dusting off this Blogger account and beginning! So thanks to you Van Hemlock.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world of MMO blogging. It'll be hard to stay motivated at first, especially while people rarely visit, but keep it up and it gets to be enjoyable.